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4.8 out of 5
Chrome Store Official Reviews
Used by 10,000,000+ Customers
I get discounts on many items I have purchased. Including high-ticket items. To date, I have saved 1237.48 dollars.
Keith Alderman
The free $45 from Capital One got me here. I hope the coupon codes work. 5 stars until further notice ;-)
Jesse Smith
Effortless savings! I love the Capital One Shopping Helper. I'm constantly saving money! Thanks You!
Jason Hart
No problems at all with Kohl's online or instore. Great shopping rewards.
Jennifer Rives
Saves me so much money! It tries all the codes online and gets me money off!
Anna Greenberg
How It Works
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Capital One Shopping looks for discounts, promo codes, and cashback opportunities while you shop.
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Click on Capital One Shopping and see the available discount codes applied to your cart.
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